b'MS Focus Activities[ TAKEAWAYSMay 9 - Atlanta Are You Tired of Being Tired? MS FatigueDr. Ben Thrower returned to a packed house for the May editionof his monthly program at the Shepherd Center.Sleep can play a big role in fatigue. If youre only sleeping a fewhours a night, but then you sleep in once a week to make up for it,that kind of cycle is bad for you and can actually make your fatigueworse.May 14 - Gainesville, Fla.Integrating Nutrition and Yoga into Your MS Care PlanMegan Weigel, a registered nurse who specializes in MS, spoke about adjustments and extrathings you can do each day to help improve your well-being.You breathe all day long. Take at least a few breaths every day that are intentional. Theyshould be longer and deeper than the others. Do this with your mind and heart both clear andopen. Let the benets of these things pleasantly surprise you. June 12 - Dallas, TexasCannabinoids and Their Use in MSDr. Annette Okai spoke to a packed house about one of the most popular topics throughoutthe MS community.Dr.Okaispokeabouttheprosandconsofcannabinoids.Shepointedoutthat whilecannabis use is becoming widespread in the treatment of MS, there are still some unknownson the overall eect on MS symptoms and caution should be exercised when using cannabinoids.It is important to nd a physician who is comfortable and educated regarding the use ofcannabinoids and multiple sclerosis.June 24 - Minneapolis, Minn.Stem Cell Transplant in MSDr. Flavia Nelson, discussed what is new in stem cell research. If Syou are interested in stem cell transplant research and would like toparticipate in a clinical trial, there are trials going on that you canexplore at Clincialtrials.gov. Programs sponsored by: Sano Genzyme, Genentech, and Biogenmsfocusmagazine.org 40'