b'MS Focus ActivitiesMS Focused Healthline honors MS Focus Radio app For the second year in a row, MS Focus Radio was named to Healthlineslist of Best MS Apps. Healthline selects each app based on quality, frequencyof updates, and user reviews.MS Focus Radio provides round-the-clock motivation, education, andempowerment to people aected by multiple sclerosis. Featuring originalcontent produced by MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, MSFocus Radio is the MS resource that can travel with you throughout yourday. You can listen on msfocusradio.org, as well as on your Android andiOS devices.MS Focus at Sea to set sail in 2020Our 2020 cruise is headed to Alaska! This seven-night cruise featuresthree exciting ports of call, and endless opportunities for fun, education,and inspiration. While the daily focus will be on wellness, the cruisewill also boost camaraderie, support, and help you get outside of yourcomfort zone.We will spend seven days exploring the most beautiful places inAlaska, including the Alaskan Dawes Glacier, all on board CelebrityCruise Lines Celebrity Solstice. The cruise departs from Seattle onMay 29, 2020, and will sail to Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway. Along the way, well have educational and motivational programming that will help you takehome something better than souvenirsnew strategies for living better with MS. For moreinformation, contact MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation at 800-225-6495 or emailcruise@msfocus.org. To make a reservation, contact Elda at One World Cruise and Travel at305-666-1010, or email edla@oneworldcruises.com and reference group number 7027854.Brighter Tomorrow Grant applications now availableMS Focus is now accepting applications for the Brighter Tomorrow Grant.See the application on the next pages, or apply at msfocus.org. All applicants must provide aletter from their doctor, on the doctors letterhead, conrming a diagnosis of MS to be eligible.Requests made to the BTG Program must be for specic goods or services. Applications askingfor cash and medications are not considered. Requests for items covered through other MSFocus grants such as assistive devices and computers will be referred to those programs. msfocusmagazine.org 42'