b'in the group. I did not feel like I was stuck in a schedule. I came to the talks I wanted to and didother things when I wanted to. Russ, her husband, also enjoyed the educational oerings. I liked the ability to interact withDr. Thrower and the other speakers. They were able to talk more freely than in the doctor/ patient atmosphere of an oce.Checking o a bucket list itemFor Delisa French of Maryland, taking a MS Focus cruise was onher bucket list. Ive seen the cruise advertised on the MS Focus websitefor years, and I thought, one day I will go. I retired three years ago andmy daughter is o to college, so this was the perfect time. I loved thecruise because I not only met other people with MS, but I also got toexplore St. Kitts and St. Thomas. Delisa spent a good amount of time in the ships gym utilizing theexercise equipment. I like to stay active and exercise helps, she said.She also enjoyed the educational programs and the speakers. MyiPad is lled with notes and information from the cruise. Delisa would recommend that others take the plunge and go on theMS Focus at Sea cruise. Denitely go! Its very enriching and educational.Here we go againThis was the second year in a row that Mike and Debra Digney from Wisconsin came on theMS Focus at Sea educational cruise. Last years cruise was life-changing and here we areagain, said Mike. We hesitated to travel before because we thought it would be too dicult. That changed after the 2018 cruise. After they got home from thecruise last year, they booked a trip to Italy to meet Debras familywhom shes never had a chance to see since being diagnosed withMS. Because of the cruise, we learned that there are accommodationsyou can request to make it simpler to navigate the airport, and equipmentthat is transportable to make sightseeing easier.The Digneys also love to dance, and that is something that can bedicult with MS. Sometimes my legs feel numb, but Mike hangs onto me while we are dancing, so I dont worry about tripping and falling,said Debra. Its great exercise and something I just love to do. The Digneys have expectations of continuing to take trips and go on new adventures.We hope to see you on a future MS Focus at Sea educational cruise. On May 29, 2020, wellbe leaving from Seattle for a 7-Night Alaska-Dawes Glacier Cruise onboard the magnicentCelebrity Solstice. You can nd more information about the 2020 cruise on page 29 and 42. Formore information go to msfocus.org or call 888-673-6287. 47 msfocusmagazine.org'