b'Play on WordsTools for AllUse the clues to help unscramble these ten tools that everyone can use to maintain their mentaland emotional well-being.UCMSI vocal and/or instrumental compositionsEEINLRSCEIthe ability to bounce backATBGHRINEinhalation and exhalationTRAENUthe world outdoors; green spacesPEESLa state of deep restRGITUAEDTThankfulness, conscious appreciation of the positives in lifeHTEURGALAn audible expression of amusement orgood humor Solution to last issues puzzleYour Goals, Your ResourcesEISLNFMUNSDThis meditation technique keeps youin the momentTSROUPPyou can nd this in a group, or receive itfrom friends and familyYHBBOan activity done for pleasure in your leisure time63 msfocusmagazine.org'