b'the good moments can help you nd gratitude or more of the following professionals to yourthroughout your day, rather than focusing on support system:everything that did not go well or as you hadCounselorsplanned.JournalingHow many times have youClergyarrivedtoyourmedicalappointmentandSocial WorkersforgotteneverythingyouwantedtosharePsychologistswith your physician?Journaling can be usedPsychiatristsfor tracking symptoms, frustrations, concerns, Starting with your primary care physicianmood, and sleep to discuss with your healthcare or neurologist can be helpful in identifyingteam or for documenting questions to ask at the best option for you and your needs.your next appointment. Your journal can also Additionally, they can assist you with anybe a place to document your gratitude, and referrals that are required.when you are feeling down, revisiting that listcan remind you of all your grateful memories. If you are unsure about how your emotionalSchedule something you look forward towellness is aecting your daily life, ask yourselfYour calendar does not have to be saturated these two questions: During the past twowith medical appointments, lab work, and weeks, have you often felt down, depressed,MRIs, nor does it need to only include the I or hopeless? During the past two weeks, havehave to do list. Planning to meet a friend for you had little interest or pleasure in doingcoee, joining a book club, or going to a movie things?with the family can get you excited about If you answered yes, probably, or maybeyour plans and be the motivation you need to either/both of those questions, reach out toto get out of bed and ready for the day.Allow someone from your healthcare team.Knowyour life to be balanced by fun, meaningful that mental health challenges are treatableactivities, or the things I want to do. and can be managed.ExerciseKeep moving!Find some physical For more on how to know when its time toactivity that you enjoy, or are willing to do, and seek help, see the article by Carol Lewis onmake it a habit. This can improve fatigue, the next page.pain, and physical discomfort. Exercise alsoreleases endorphins which can improve mood.If you are having trouble getting started, ndan exercise partner to keep you accountable,take a class at the local gym, use DVDs andonline programs to workout at home, or takeyour dog out for a stroll\oll around the park.Sometimes, it takes some additionalassistance to manage depression and othermental health challenges. Medications and/ortalktherapymaybehelpfulinbalancingyour emotional health.Consider adding one13 msfocusmagazine.org'