b"Please welcome these newly aliated groups:Brooklyn Champions MS Support GroupBrooklyn, N.Y.MyMSTribe Support GroupSanta Barbara, Calif.Sequim MS Support GroupSequim, Wash.Noble County MS Support GroupKendallville, Ind.Minnetonka MS Support GroupMinnetonka, Minn.Salem MS Support GroupSalem, N.Y.Missing Myelins MS Support GroupTontogany, OhioWachusett Area MSNME Support GroupSterling, Mass.Please visit our website at www.msfocus.org for the meeting dates,times, and locations or to nd the support group nearest you.What do you do to maintain yourmental health? Audrey OstertaD: I pray and believe in my healing. And I count my blessings.Paul Murray: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Robert Slattery: I'm writing my autobiography as well as a post-apolitical story. I do puzzles like Sudoku,word search, and other puzzles, and I do pencil drawings (color blind. LOL).ReDina Duke: Put puzzles together. AnDela Kristie: Listen to Ted Talks or podcasts that are inspirational/motivational when I cant sleep.Journal. Make sure to keep in touch with at least one support system outside of work and my house.Set small goals.Wedo WilleDas: Read books. It works extremely well to occupy my mind to feel less depressed. Melissa Harris: I have two cats that love me. Without them, I would be in a very dark place.Linda Swope: I talk to my dog, Jacy. Shes a 13-year-old Australian shepherd. Ive had her since she wasa puppy. She doesnt hear too well anymore, but she always sits and looks me in the eye while I tell herall my problems and worries. Then she leans her head up against me as if to say, I know, Mom, its hard,but its going to be okay. Shes easier and cheaper to talk to than a therapist and in her own quiet, honestway she reassures me that I am needed and loved. Shes my best friend with four legs! Facebook Feedback is your chance to share your experiences related to topics covered in theMS Focus Magazine. Like our Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundation andwatch for our next Facebook Feedback post.Request to join our Facebook group at Facebook.com/groups/msfocus.51 msfocusmagazine.org"