b' Typicallyhavehigherlesioncountsandmore rapid loss of brain volumeThere are also dierences in the way thedisease presents in Hispanic and Asianpeople compared to Caucasian people.Researchintowhythisisthecasemayprovide vital clues into curing MS in everyone,no matter their race. The argument forinclusion of all kinds of people in research isscience-based and essential to address.Dear Editor, Articles in the issue also discussed inequitiesLiving black with MS? Whose bright idea in access to care. These are real, well-documentedwas to write articles about Black people with issues and aect the health and well-being ofMS? It doesnt matter what color your skin is. people of color with MS. MS is MS. So, MS is MS is simply untrue. Its dierentTake me o your mailing list and dont expect for every person, and for every group. MSany more donations. behaves dierently in men than it does inName withheld women. It behaves dierently in children thanEditor-in-chief Kasey Minnis responds: in adults. And it behaves dierently in peopleDear Readers, of color than it does in white persons. Eachof these dierences provides a clue about MSFollowing our recent issue on inclusion, that may lead to new discoveries. But just aswe received a small spattering of phone calls importantly, each of these groups deserves toand emails to this eect. It was evident that have their story told and their voices heard. the authors of such messages did not actually WhileourInclusionissuehighlightedread the issue, because the point the feature these issues on a new scale, our commitmentarticles made was skin color and/or ethnic to diversity is reected in each issue of thisbackground does matter in MS. As the magazine. We seek to include a diverse arrayarticles pointed out, research shows African- of authors and experiences, and be inclusiveAmericans: in our use of language and imagery. At MS Get MS younger than their Caucasian Focus, we are committed to promoting accesscounterparts to quality care for all people with MS, and strive Have greater walking-related disability to make sure everyone in the MS community Have more frequent relapses feels represented and heard. No matter yourrace or ethnicity, age, gender, or any other Are more likely to have severe optic neuritis factor, if you have MS we are a part of yourwith poorer recovery community and will work on your behalf. Have Your SayWe welcome your questions, suggestions, opinions and feedback.Reach us at editor@msfocus.org, call 800-225-6495, or use the contact format www.msfocus.org.msfocusmagazine.org 10'