b"[ TAKEAWAYSSocial distancing and stay-at-home orders because of Covid-19 presented challenges toour usual schedule of programs, but it did not prevent outreach. MS Focus continued to hold aseries of teleconferences to enrich the lives and meet the needs of those in the MS community.If you missed a teleconference or want to revisit one, you will be able to nd it online either atYouTube or SoundCloud. Type the msfocus.us link for the conference into your browser to godirectly to a recording. January TeleconferencesThe Dog Story Matt Cavallo msfocus.us/010721Dance for MSWhitney Wilson, Dancer in Residence, UF Health ShandsCathy DeWitt, Musician in Residence, UF Health Shands msfocus.us/011521February TeleconferencesCOVID-19 Update for 2021 Ben Thrower, MD msfocus.us/012621People of Color with MS in Research Tirisham Gyang, MD msfocus.us/020321MS Through the Life Span John Schafer, MD msfocus.us/020821Disparities in Healthcare for People of ColorMitzi Joi Williams, MD msfocus.us/021021B-Cell Therapies for MS Ben Thrower, MD msfocus.us/022321Family Planning and MS Sabeen Lulu, MD msfocus.us/022421Addressing Bias in Healthcare Annette Okai, MD msfocus.us/022521Kari Joseph Too high expectations for myself. I'm nally coming to the point I can give myself gracewhen I can't be that woman who could do it all.Charlotte Ferebee Robinson Dramatic people.I don't need the stress!Debra Williams Peoples social, physical, mental, and emotional misuses and abuses of my still-present,pre-MS good heartedness - especially those with any authority over any aspect of my life (that I cando without or limit their presence).Debra Talley Stress.Lynette M Coleman Negative thoughts and negative people. Patti Parker A couple guys, and clutter in my house.49 msfocusmagazine.org"