b"he said. Dr. Chaifetz adds, Some patients are community.Ifeelthatourpracticeoersforced outside of our system for different more than the average ones. At the beginningprocedures and treatments, so I make sure of my UF Health career, I started from scratch.these facilities are up to par and standard There wasnt a predecessor for the position ofwith whatourpatientsrequire. Whether program coordinator. I adapted and built theanswering questions about medication and program into what it is now. Although ainsuranceissues,or workingtoimprove proud moment, Dr. Chaifetz acknowledgespatientcarequality,Dr.Chaifetzhashis that it is not a one-person team. Were ahands in it all.closely-knit group, and not only do we helpManychallengesofhealthcarecanbe each other along the way, but we are allconfusing and difficult for people, he said. advocates and go the extra mile for everyoneI am a strong advocate because I experienced at our facility.it taking care of my mom, who had a series of Beyond his work at UF Health Jacksonville,problems throughout her later life. I realized Dr. Chaifetz serves as a medical advisor forthat if patients don't have a strong family unit MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.or live alone, bereft of support, an outsider Weve always supported the Foundationlooking in has to not only to recognize that, because they do so much for our patientsbut play the role of advocate when they have daily, and even our providers love andthe opportunity, connections, and ability to appreciate them, he said. Two months afterdo so.his hire at UF Health, Dr. Chaifetz hosted hisfirst event with MS Focus, and hes neverTheadvocacyeffortsofUFHealth stopped looking for opportunities to educateJacksonville's Comprehensive MS Center the MS community. Eventually, he arrangedevencaughttheattentionoflegislators. to host quarterly educational programs inDr. Scott Silliman and I used our universitys cooperation with MS Focus. He has beengovernmental departments to get contacts, working alongside Debra Forman, educationalsaid Dr. Chaifetz. I have personally contacted program coordinator, and Kasey Minnis,senators oces, and our work has changed director of Communications, on this educationalthe way some insurance companies reimburse series for nearly three years. formultiplesclerosisandneuromyelitis Although hes active in virtual conferences,optica. In the future, I hope to see governmental Dr.Chaifetzsayshemissesin-personchanges that allow patients to have an easier gatherings.Theconnectionisrewardingtime getting medications. He also urges the with in-person education. Online formats areimportance of self-advocacy to patients, great for some folks and are convenient atincluding understanding the necessary this time, but patients miss out on interactinginsurance coverages, knowing the names of with a provider, administrator, and evencompaniesthatproducepharmaceuticals, peers, he said. Despite these worldwidetheir program eligibility for specic drugs, restrictions, Dr. Chaifetz is not slowing down,and the significance of renewing their maintaining his private practice, and isassistance on an annual basis.ever-present in patients' lives at the university.Ive learned a lot throughout the years Ive had the exquisite opportunity to treatandlovebeingahelpinghandintheMS some wonderful people, he said.29 msfocusmagazine.org"