b'Life with MSCClleeaanniinnggUUppRReellaattiioonnsshhiippssHonest communication is key,every day in every relationshipBy Dan and Jennifer DigmannA defunct air fryer and atscreen TV, as family member, spouse or signicant other,wellasanout-of-commissionKeurig,are lifetime friends, healthcare professionals, ortaking up valuable space in our modest-sized others you have counted on for years. Its agarage.Theseonce-invaluabledevicesno complicated disease, and there are no easylonger work for us but are beyond what our answers to the questions and challenges itweekly garbage will accept. poses for the person who has it, let alone toSo theyre resting on a shelf above our hand the people to whom they are connected.shovel, extension cord, and hammer as we This is why its important for us all to takepatiently wait to receive the yer announcing the time to regularly evaluate our relationships,when the much-anticipated spring clean-up to assess what is and isnt working and thenday will happen at our township hall. assess which ones are worth xing and whichThe waiting is driving us mad. Because, are best to let go. Yes, spring is a perfect time toreally, once we clear this clutter, we will have do some cleaning up of our relationships, androom to store in an accessible location the you dont need to wait for a special clean-up day.items that we do use and are more important You can start right now.to us.Agree there is some cleaning to doThis isnt to say the food, entertainment, and A room in your house will never get cleanmorning coee these three items respectively unless you recognize that it is dirty. Sure, youprovided us wasnt important. If anything, can make sure its picked up, but even whenit all was so critical that we purchased new the oor is clear of shoes, toys, and clothes,devices the day after they each stopped working. there still is dirt in the carpet. A thick layer ofIfonlyrelationshipswerethiseasyto dust on the furniture and blinds. Cobwebs onmanage, especially when youre living with the ceiling.multiple sclerosis.How often do we treat our relationshipsWe each have lived with MS for more than the same way? Everything seems okay on the21 years, and weve seen the power the disease surface because youre getting along, but athas to put a strain even on the strongest of the end of the day theres a sense of tensionrelationships, whether its with an immediate hanging in the air. Internal doubt that themsfocusmagazine.org 16'