b'MS FocusedWorld MS DayWorld MS Day is Sunday, May 30, and the theme is connections. The MS Connectionscampaigndeveloped in collaboration with members of the global MS International Federationmovementis all about building community connection, self-connection, and connections toquality care. It challenges social barriers that leave people aected by MS feeling lonely andsocially isolated. It is an opportunity to advocate for better services, celebrate support networks,and champion self-care.MS Connections is exible to achieve a variety of goals, including: Challenging social barriers and stigma that can leave people aected by MS feeling lonelyand isolated Building communities that support and nurture people aected by MS Promoting self-care and healthy living with MS Lobbying decision makers for better services and eective treatment for people with MS.The campaign tagline is I Connect, We Connect with the hashtag #MSConnections. MSIFalso provides a toolkit of free resources to help everyone to take part in World MS Day. Anyonecan use these tools, or make their own, to create positive change in the lives of people with MSaround the world. Visit worldmsday.orgOnline exercise programs now availableMS Focus is now sponsoring virtual exercise programs for people with multiple sclerosis. Theprograms are in cooperation with the Working in Wellness Foundation and Sacred Rivers Yoga.The programs are free and ongoing from now until September. Sacred Rivers Yoga, in East Hartford, Conn., will hold chair yoga sessions every Monday on Zoomat 10:45 a.m. Eastern, 9:45 a.m. Central, 8:45 a.m. Mountain, and 7:45 a.m. Pacic. To register,visit: msfocus.us/YogaForAll. The Working on Wellness Foundation, in Orland Park, Ill., will hold exercise sessions everyTuesday on Zoom at 10:45 a.m. Eastern, 9:45 a.m. Central, 8:45 a.m. Mountain, and 7:45 a.m.Pacific. To participate, visit: msfocus.us/Exercise4All and use the Contact Form to requestinformation on the class. Program helps you keep your coolWhen they become overheated, many people with MS experience worsened symptoms, suchas weakness, fatigue, and visual disturbances. Keeping your body cool allows the ability to spendtime outdoors during the warmer months, and can help you once again enjoy a range of activitiessuch as barbeques and baseball games.MS Focus Cooling Program oers a variety of free itemsincluding bandanas, neckties, hats,wristbands, and two types of cooling veststo help you gain relief from heat-induced symptoms andmaintain your active lifestyle. Applications are accepted until June 1. Apply online at msfocus.org.Click Get Help and then select the Cooling program.11 msfocusmagazine.org'