b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving BackTeam Zoom-Zooms steps up for MSGroup walks because they can,for others who cant.Jamie Colvett and her husband, Monroe, What was the most challenging partare the co-captains for Team Zoom-Zooms MS of this project?walk each year. They are also the support group The most challenging part of our annualleaders for the MS Shore Group support group MS walk is keeping people interested andin Harbeson, Del. Their co-chair for the Walk, soliciting donations. Throughout the ensuingKay Oesterling, also serves as facilitator for the years, we continued to reach out to thesupport group along with Jamie Colvett. The community with information and programseventwastobeanin-personwalkinthe and to expand our reach. We have spoken aboutdownstate Delaware to raise funds for MS our cause on several local radio programs.Focus, but because of COVID-19 it became a We instituted several fundraising events andvirtual walk. Starting Aug. 3 and ending Oct. initiated some fun activities, such as Funky5, 2020, Team Zoom-Zooms raised $20,220 Monkey, Hot Ears and Zesty Dogs, Festivus fordollars for the MS Focus Computer, Assistive the Rest of Us, Halloween Bash, October Fest,Technology, and Home Care Assistance Grant Valentines Day Brunch, a Polish/St. Pattysprograms. Day Lunch, and a Christmas Brunch at localWhat inspired you to help people with MS? country clubs. In order to raise funds for theOn July 4, 2000, I was diagnosed with MS. Walk, we worked throughout the year.Not knowing much about the disease, we got We have people who work at our localto work and did our research. With the help of churches thrift stores and they donate moneymy husband, Monroe, and a terric neurologist, they earn to our Walk treasury. We sponsorDr. Paul Peet, we made a decision to get on one several yard sales throughout the year. Also,of the disease-modifying drugs right away. we collect new and used items for our tablesWesearchedoutalocalsupportgroup atourchurchsannualChristmasbazaar.andmetsomefabulouspeople.Withina One member who is conned to a nursingyear, we became the local MS support group homesolicitsdonationsfromresidentsleaderandatthesametime,established before every walk event.Walk TeamZoom-Zooms.Duringourrst What advice would you give to others whoyear, 2001, we did our rst walk and gathered are trying to give back?$1,034. Little did we know that was just thebeginning. As of our last Walk, in 2020, Team To use an old expression, Keep the eyeZoom-Zooms has raised a little more than upon the donut and not upon the hole. Its$340,000 in the past 20 years. Its an ongoing important to assemble a group that enjoysand continuous eort. being together with a positive outlook for themsfocusmagazine.org 32'