b'TThheeWWoorrllddiissLLooookkiinnggBBrriigghhtteerrAlan R. SegaloExecutive DirectorSpring is here and the world is looking brighter. After a year of restriction and isolation, weare seeing signs we may soon be released from the limitations on us because of the COVID-19pandemic. Some of us who have been vaccinated have already been able to see loved onesagain. Grandparents have been able to hug their grandchildren. Friends have been able togather for a meal. Though we still need to exercise caution and follow CDC guidance, there ishope on the horizon.This is a unique moment in history, and presents a unique opportunity. Before your lifegoes back to normal, you have this chance to decide what that should look like. Take the timeto reect on what has been better and what has been worse in this last year. As tough as the yearwas, it taught us some valuable lessons. It made it easier to see whats really important in ourlives. What did you miss while you were sheltering in place? At the Foundation, our sta have missed seeing you in person at our educational eventsaround the country and at our health and wellness classes. Yet, through our educational events onZoom, we learned there are real advantages to making these programs available virtually.People who live in isolated areas or who would struggle to attend events outside the home haveaccess like never before. People can connect with others like them from across the country. Thosewho cant make it at a certain time can still benet from the digital replay. Based on these lessons, we are launching virtual health and wellness classes for people withMS. Our hope is that these classes will make adaptive exercise available to everyone in ourcommunity from the comfort of their homes, without losing whats importantthe personalizedinstruction, camaraderie, and interaction of a live class. Learn how you can join these classeson page 11.Knowing whats important in our lives can also help us to identify and release those thingsthat are not of value to us. In each issue, the Facebook Feedback question gives readers theopportunity to share their thoughts on our theme. When we asked what our readers felt wasimportant to clean out of their lives, the most common answer surprised us: toxic people.Ridding your life of toxic relationships is a terrific goal. But how do you know whether yourrelationship is toxic, and if it is, how do you save or end it? Find the answers on page 20. Other articles address how clutter inuences your safety, the eects it has on your cognition,and how habits can become clutter in the sense of serving no good purpose for you. With thisSpring Cleaning issue, we hope to help you let go of, not just physical clutter, but thoughts,habits, and even relationships that no longer serve you. Lets make it our goal to keep whats important, let go of things that dont serve us well, andbe ready for our new normal to begin.7 msfocusmagazine.org'