b"Life with MSHHoowwPPeeoopplleewwiitthhMMSSccaannCClleeaanntthheeCClluutttteerreeddCCoorrnneerrssooffTThheeiirrLLiivveessWWhheennhhaabbiittssnnoolloonnggeerrwwoorrkkffoorruuss,,wweeccaanncchhaannggeetthheemmbbyybbeeccoommiinnggmmoorreeiinntteennttiioonnaallBy Dorothea Cassidy Pfohl, MSCNSpring cleaning is a topic that resonates hard to give up. Often, they no longer reallywith me for many reasons. I appreciate new workforus,complicateourrelationships,beginnings and spring is the perfect time to and are hard to change. Some habits areespouse out with the old if not in with the actuallyharmfuland/orhazardoustoournew'. The restrictions of the COVID pandemic health. Sometimes our habits also have anhave seen our days at home extended, so its eect on other people, and sometimes othersharder to overlook clutter and habits that no are happy with our bad habits, such as takinglonger serve us well. I, for one, have too much care of everyone elses wants and needsstu and have lived in the same house for before our own, and they understandablydecades, hence its lled with memories.resist our self-care measures. Ive seen thisA habit that no longer serves me well is happen many times with busy moms whothat I have enough space to move things no are exhausted by running the home, takinglonger used or needed to a remote spot. With care of children, seeing that their spouse ismore time at home, Ive needed to rethink supportedand,oftenworkingoutsidethewhat is loved or useful and decide what I home as well. value, what suits me, and, alas, what needs Lately, we have to consider the added stressto go. So Im using this topic to investigate of restricted activities from weather or concernhabits that may be thought of as good or bad, for social distancing, home-schooling the kids,useful or outdated, and more importantly, and spending so much more time together.how to replace them with others that better Add to that the challenges that come withmeet current needs and serve me better. having MS and it can become too much toA habit is dened as a settled or regular manage. Little children likely wont under-tendency or practiceespecially one that is stand a parents need to rest or delegate, andmsfocusmagazine.org 22"