b"MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation,presents: MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation,presents: Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence, Ph.D. & Niah SoultWhile the organization elaborates on Haynes-Lawrences publications act as catalystscommon topics of interest, they also increase to conversations between parent and child,awareness on frequently unspoken issues. regardless of which lives with MS. During an MS Focus cruise in the early 2000s, In the pursuit to fill educational gaps,Dr. Fred Foley gave a presentation on intimacy, several of MS Focuss sta members write forwhich he later converted into a booklet at the the magazine and booklets. Members of theFoundations request. Because of its general MS Lived Experience Advisory Panel give theirdelicacy, intimacy is not a subject most people input as people living with MS. Finally, beforewould line up to discuss with others. If you're the release dates, each new booklet under-still in an uncomfortable place, at least start goes professional review. researching, Derrick said. Thats the rst stepto getting the information you need, so that Aside from these publications, the Foundationyou eventually develop a comfort to speak also publishes newsletters such as Empower-with someone about your concerns. Source, designed to support advocates whoAlthoughMSFocusoftenseeksout continue advancing the MS cause. professionals to address topics of interest for I was diagnosed withnew publications, sometimes writers come to multiple sclerosis at a timethem. Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence, a family where doctors knew littlestudies researcher with MS, contacted the aboutthedisease,saidorganization on a funding inquiry regarding Sandra of Rogers, Ark.,children's book ideas. A Conversation About leader of the NorthwestMultipleSclerosis andAlongCame Jae: A ArkansasMSSupportConversation about Service Dogs for People Group. I was frightenedwith MS were products of their partnership.but something within told me that I couldntI love those stories not only because they possiblybetheonlyperson withtheseare compelling, but also, they cast light on experiences. So, I started up a support group.diversitywithinthedisease,Derricksaid. As I gained membership, my comfortOver the years, some clients have been levels increased because I created a spacechildren, and what better way to communicate where I and others with MS could help onewith them than through storytelling? Dr. another through the trials that come with this47 msfocusmagazine.org"