b'Health & Wellness7. If possible, leave your mat to hang dry over1 ounce witch hazelthe back of a chair or a porch railing for 122 ounce waterhours. If you are using this spray on very delicate8. Once your mat is dry to the touch, roll it up sportsequipment,usealcohol-freewitchtightly and store until needed. hazel, as it will be less likely to have a dryingIf you use your yoga mat often, consider eect on equipment.using your DIY mat cleaner after each practice. Directions:You may also want to give your mat a deeper 1. In a 4 ounce spray bottle, combine tea treeclean every month.oil, eucalyptus oil, and peppermint oil.For other sports or gym equipment, this is 2. Swirl essential oils.a recipe from DIYNatural.com 3. Measure and pour 1 ounce of witch hazel. Note: This recipe is made for sports equipment 4. Measure and pour 2 ounces of water.only as the essential oils are in high concentrations 5. Cap and shake.and may be irritating to skin. The essential 6. Spray down sports equipment after eachoils are at a 5 percent concentration, meaning use and allow to dry completely.that they comprise 5 percent of the total liquidsolution. At this dilution, they are very eective Safe cleaning practicesagainst killing bacteria and odors, but not as Even with all-natural ingredients, cautionkind to skin. Using gloves is advisable. is needed. It is important to keep sprays awayIngredients: from eyes, skin, mouth, and nose. Also, 35 drops tea tree essential oilunderstand you should not mix cleaners 35 drops eucalyptus essential oil(including all-natural cleaners) together. 20 drops peppermint essential oilFinally, make sure to ask for help if neededand speak about a preference of using all-natural cleaning products. 44 msfocusmagazine.org'