b'Drugs with mRNA may be used MS. So far, this MS vaccine has worked in theto treat MS animal model for MS, called experimentalResearchers at the University Medical Center allergic encephalomyelitis. Human studiesoftheJohannesGutenbergUniversityin will be next.Mainz, Germany, conducted trials in mice to People with MS not at greater riskdetermine if antigens can be delivered in a for getting COVID-19noninammatory context, safely and eciently. Researchers at the Department of Neurology,Using several models, the researchers were Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany,successful in delivering nanoparticle-formulated reviewed the literature available in October1methylpseudourine-modiedmessenger 2020 regarding MS and COVID-19. CombiningRNA coding. One model showed immune thendingsfromcasestudiesandlargerresponses against nonmyelin antigens remained studies they ended up with a total of 873intact while another showed demyelination patients, 700 of which had available outcomeof the spinal cord was reduced considerably data to review. Of these 700, 204 patientsin the treated mice. In additional data from other were hospitalized with COVID-19, 24 requiredmodels conducted by these researchers, the ventilation, and 28 (4 percent) died. Thendings suggest disease-mediating T cells remaining 496 patients were able to stay homeare suppressed but not deleted. This animal after diagnosis. Those who were hospitalized, thestudy contributes to the understanding that majority were treated with anti-CD20 therapy.mRNA pharmaceuticals may be a fast and The majority of the patients who died hadcost-ecienttreatmentforhumans.The comorbidities (cardiovascular), progressivestudy was published in the journal Science.MS, and a high degree of disability. TheDr. ThrowerThe COVID-19 pandemic has researchers considered that one of thebeen a long and hard challenge for the world. consequences of COVID-19 is hyperactivityWhat if there was a silver lining to this oftheimmunesystem, whichmaycauseexperience, however? As mRNA vaccines roll greater harm to someone with MS but thatout to help us battle COVID-19, researchers possibly disease-modifying therapies couldare discovering this technology may be useful avert a severe disease course. The ndingsin our ght against MS as well. MS results werepublishedintheJournalofClinicalfrom a dysregulated immune system that is Medicine.attacking myelin. Myelin is mostly made up Dr. ThrowerFrom day one of the COVID-19of fat with some protein mixed in. The immune pandemic, the MS community has wonderedattackofMSisdirected,atleastinpart, what this infection meant for them. We areagainst those myelin proteins. Most of our nowseeinginformationcominginfromcurrent MS disease-modifying therapies work around the world. In general, as this studyas anti-inammatory medications. Researchers shows, people with MS do not appear to be atat BioNTech are trying to harvest mRNA and higher risk for contracting COVID-19 or gettinguse it to teach immune tolerance as a novel sicker with it. There are certain possibleway of managing MS. exceptions. These exceptions may have nothingmRNA is a blueprint for a protein. New to do with MS as they are seen in the generalresearch has shown that mRNA that codes public as well. People in the MS communityfor a myelin protein might be used to calm who might be at risk for more serious COVID-19down the immune system in a person with course include those with other health issues,msfocusmagazine.org 54'