b'Health & WellnessRReenneeww,,RReebbuuiilldd,,aannddRReeiimmaaggiinneeYYoouurrDDiieettWaatteerriinnttaakkee,,ffrruuiittssaannddvveeggeettaabblleess,,aannddaavvooiiddiinnggpprroocceesssseeddWf oooddssaarreekkeeyyssttooiimmpprroovviinnggyyoouurrhheeaalltthhfoBy Dr. Marco Vespignani Nothing else you can put in your body cleansesSpring is a wonderful time of year, a chance your system like clean, pure water. Honestly,to see new life and energy everywhere we you shouldnt drink anything else in a daylook. This can often lead to people wanting to unless you are rst consuming enough water.bring this new life and energy to their bodies, While far from a universal suggestion for allas a chance to renew and rebuild. The people, I generally recommend one ounce ofchallengesofhavingachronicimmune water for every two pounds of body weightcondition can lead to wanting to make positive per day. Individuals who are very overweightchanges to improve ones health, energy, and or with bladder, kidney, lung, or heart problemsreduce progression, as this is of utmost may need to consume far less than that,importance. But what can you do? Is there but for most adults, this is a safe amount toany real benet to cleaning your body? consume. As a naturopathic doctor who specializes Second, consider the colors of the food youin caring for people with multiple sclerosis, I eat. I do not mean the packaging it may haveget this question perhaps more than any other. come in or if it is articially colored. BelieveWhat is the best diet to eat? What foods are it or not, each fruit and vegetable containstoxicand whichonesmightpreventmy phytonutrients that contain antioxidant andprogression? anti-inammatory properties. PhytonutrientsThe truth is, no one knows the answer to may also enhance immunity and intercellularthat question for certain, yet years of research communication, repair DNA damage fromand anecdotal case reports have suggested exposure to toxins, detoxify carcinogens, andthere is a link between diet and chronic alterestrogenmetabolism.Foodsthatareinammatory diseases such as MS, and some bright red, green, yellow, purple, or orangethingsareknownaboutwhichfoodsare are those colors because they have these verymost benecial to humans.phytonutrientsthatimproveorganrepairand function. Consider water and food colorConsider water and food color Consider the dark berry pigments, antho-Firstandforemost,waterisessential. cyaninsthatprotectvesselsintheheart,msfocusmagazine.org 14'