b'ContributorsDori Cohen is a senior occupational therapist at Rusk Rehabilitation atNYU Langone Health, working in the outpatient neurological department.She is a certified MS clinical specialist.Jennifer and Dan Digmann have lived with MS for more than 30 years. Jenniferwas diagnosed in 1997 and has secondary progressive MS, and Dan was diagnosedin 2000 with relapsing-remitting MS. They wrote the book Despite MS, to SpiteMS. They are frequent contributors to MS Focus Magazine, and Dan is a regularcolumnist on MSFocusMagazine.org.Joanne Fortunato is a retired computer technology teacher in Venice, Fla.Diagnosed in 2006, she uses technology to cope with the many diculties MScan present. She is a frequent contributor to MS Focus Magazine, using hertechnology education background to help others with MS. Contact Joanne atjfortunato1012@yahoo.com. Jerey N. Gingold is an MS advocate and internationally acclaimed author ofthe award-winning books Facing the Cognitive Changes of Multiple Sclerosisand Mental Sharpening Stones: Manage the Cognitive Challenges of MultipleSclerosis.Rachel Jane is a remote-working health blogger and telehealth advocate. Whenshes not working on deadlines, shes improving her yoga practice, learning howto code, or researching new methods in telehealth.Dorothea Cassidy Pfohl is a nurse with more than 45 years of experience. Herspecialization in the care of people with MS began in 1989 and her roles haveincluded research, clinical practice, and community outreach. Dottie lectureswidely and participates in many patient and professional programs. A foundingmember of the IOMSN Board of Directors, Dottie has a special interest in nurseswho have MS. Dotties pride and joy are her grandson, Sky, and granddaughter,Hana.msfocusmagazine.org 8'