b'Who Said It?Quotes can be funny, inspiring, thought-provoking, or touching. Guess which famous personsaid each of these entertaining quotes that are relevant to life with MS. Find out if you guessedcorrectly in our next issue.Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes,playing a poor hand well.Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher,I am an old man and have known a great many troubles,but most of them never happened.Its not whether you get knocked down; its whether you get up.It creates community when you talk about private things.Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the bestopportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.Candidates(Write the number for your guess of who said the above quotes)1 Jack Londo 3 Carrie Fisher 5 Vince Lombardi2 Fred Rogers 4 Mark Twain 6 Oprah Winfrey Solution to last issues puzzleDown: Across: 1 M1.a practice to train attention and 2. a state of suspended 2 S L E E P 3 Mawareness, and achieve a mentallyconsciousness. typically for D Aclear and emotionally calm state 8 hours nightly 43.kneading of muscles with hands, 4. activity requiring physical E X E R C I S E 5 S 6especially to relieve tension or pain eort, for the purpose ofT M U S I C6. professional advice and guidance improving strength or tness 7 A 8 A Othrough talk therapy 5. vocal or instrumental sounds 9 A R T 10 L 11 G U8.giggles. chuckes. guaws. and chorties. combining in harmony H 12 I D A N C E N7. expression through creative activity U F O U R S9.holds in ones arms, to express aection 10. move rhythmically, most often to music 1311. to weep, release tears G A R D E N I N G Y E12. a person with whom you have a social, 13. the activity of cultivating plants, 14 S I 15 H Lnot a family, relationship such as owers or vegetables 16 W E 17 P E T S I14. the act of putting one foot in 15. companion animals J O U R N A L I N G 18 T E Nfront of the other 16. the act of writing a record of daily events, L D N A T U R E G17. engaging in speech, especially for the feelings, and reections K S Lpurpose of expressing thoughts and 18. the great outdoors I Kfeelings N IG NG59 msfocusmagazine.org'