b'future. Try to communicate with other leaders is found tomorrow, there will still be thoseno matter what association they belong to. that need us. All of our goals are individualFind out what works and what doesnt. Dont and need to be respected and celebrated. Webe afraid to try. Youll be amazed how willing look forward a brighter future, for miracles topeople are to join your cause. happen, and we believe they will.What did you learn from doing this, For more information, to get involved in theand what are your future goals? 2021 Team Zoom-Zooms Walk, or to learn moreWe walk because we can, for others who cant. about the MS Shore Group Support Group,So, keep on truckin. Remember even if a cure call Jamie or Monroe Colvett at 302-684-4513.As a person with MS (or a caregiver),what have you found important to cleanout of your life?Susan Long Negative thoughts about how much I can do in a day. Ive had to learn to accept going ata slower pace. Eva Maria Rebollo Martos Nothing for the moment, but Im trying to change my attitude to manage stress.Debra Williams Clutter in each of its forms.Karen Bartman Bloom Toxic relationshipsMary Ellen Smolinski My weight. I needed to lose a lot. So I got a lap-band and changed to a keto diet.Down now well over 100 pounds and moving much easier. Sharon Capps Eliminated folks that love to create drama, its less stress.Court Pryor Worrying about what I cant control or things that havent even happened yet. One day ata time!Jesse Salcido Stressful work environment.Want to Plan YourOwn Fundraiser?To get help creating your ownevent to support people with MS,contact: Debra Formanat 800-226-6495or email debra@msfocus.org.33 msfocusmagazine.org'