b"Life with MSSSpprriinnggCClleeaanniinnggf orryyoouurrfoMMoobbiilleeDDeevviicceessBy Joanne FortunatoGiven the increasing dependence on mobiledevices, especially phones, it is more important Next, check your contacts. Update currentnow than ever to keep them working optimally. ones and delete old ones that are no longerJunk lestemporary les, outdated contacts, needed.Mostdeviceshavetheabilitytophotos and video that have been backed up group contacts into categories such friends,to the cloudtake up space you may need and family, and doctors/medical. A simple internetcan slow your device down. So it is a good search will help you with instructions on how topractice to clean o unused information and do this, as it is a very common feature. However,apps regularly. While it is virtually impossible if your device does not have this feature, youto get rid of junk les entirely, there are some can use this handy trick: when you create a newbasic steps you can take to minimize the damage contact, include a category such as familyand keep your device working optimally.in the company box. You can also go back andThe are several types of les and information edit old contacts to reect the new category.that should be checked and maintained. The Then, for example, when you type family inmost common are pictures, videos, emails, the search box of your contact app, any contactcontacts, and apps. This can be time consuming with the word family in the company eldif you haven't kept up with it, but once your will show up. This is a relatively simpledevice has been cleaned it is much easier do workaround. it regularly. Cleaning emails is very time consumingApps, contacts, email, pictures and video but very important. Emails get out hand veryApps, contacts, email, pictures and video quickly. Starting with apps, delete any you no longer The rst and perhaps most important stepuse or are out of date. Also, make sure you are is to unsubscribe to any emails you longergoing to the app store (Apple iTunes or Google wish to receive. This does not always work butPlay) and downloading the most current it works enough of the time that it should beversions of the apps you still use. Most devices done. The unsubscribe feature is usually athave the ability to organize apps in folders or the end of the email. It is usually a link youon separate pages. This is very useful and can click on. saves you from searching for that app youneed. If you have several devices, such as a Almost all email applications allow youtablet and a phone, it is very helpful to keep create folders and le away emails you wishthe organization structure the same.to save. Again, an internet search will helpmsfocusmagazine.org 40"