b'Life with MSother person fails to discuss or acknowledge his MS diagnosis. Rather than continuethat there is something wrong with your shared struggling to try and make the relationshiprelationship or chooses to ignore what youre work,herealizedit wastimetomoveon,trying to say. This isnt to say the relationship focus on himself, and nd the happiness heis destined to fail, but it does require you to had hoped for.assess if its worth the investment of your Its unfortunate when relationships canttime, energy, and emotion. be xed, but if youve done the best you couldAsk yourself: are you getting out of the to make it work and the other person didntrelationship as much as youre putting into it, do anything to meet you halfway, you can restand why does relationship matter to you? assured it was time to let go of the relationship.Beforemeetingandmarrying Jennifer, There is sadness when any relationship Dan was in a relationship with someone else even the broken onesends, but once youfor a few years. It wasnt in the best of places clean up the dust, you will have more time toto begin with, but things got worse following nurture the ones that are most important to you.Weichert, Realtors- Capella Estates& Michael Skovron PARealtoris proud to join with to support better days for people with MSSelling; Buying; Investing or RelocatingFor every closed transaction that mentions MS Focus,a donation will be made. Michael Skovron PAREALTORCIPS ILHM MilRESAmbassador-Realtor,for all National InquiresDirect 954-303-6060Email BritishRealtorSells@gmail.com Website BritishRealtorSells.commsfocusmagazine.org 18'