b"MS Focus ActivitiesDr. Adam I. ChaifetzBy Kimani HendricksAs an undergraduate studying anatomy havent the knowledge of chiropractic and areand physiology, Adam Chaifetz developed a hesitant to recommend it to their patients.love of neuroscience. Following an array of Dr.Chaifetzbelievestheresaplaceforhealth science courses at Florida International chiropractic in the MS toolbox. He emphasizesUniversity in Miami, he pursued his doctorate that it's not an alternative to treating MS, butfrom Life UniversitySchool of Chiropractic acomplementarytherapyinconjunctionin Marietta, Ga., graduating in 1986. In the with standard treatment.chiropractic profession, there are specialty Already a doctor with broad experience,tracks that a person can take: orthopedics, his skillset and knowledge expanded whenneurology,sportschiropractic,diagnostic hebecametherstandonlychiropracticimaging, and so on. I chose neurology, said physician to become certied as a multipleDr. Chaifetz. sclerosis specialist. Dr. Chaifetz believed if heA yearlater,hebeganpracticingin had an opportunity to work in the MS world,Jacksonville, Fla. From everyday people to the dierences he'd make would be colossal,professional athletes in various sports, and he was right. Dr. Chaifetzs private practice ourished until He became the program coordinator fora back injury restricted him from serving his the Comprehensive Multiple Sclerosis Centerpatients as often. By the mid-90s, he continued at University of Florida Health in Jacksonville.to practice part-time and worked as a professor There, the advocacy skills hed honed inat the Coastal School of Massage Therapy ghting preconceived ideas about chiropractic,and Florida State College of Jacksonville. He combined with his background in neuroscience,sawtheimportanceofeducatingothers are used to the fullest, as he daily ghts forabout chiropractic medicine. patients to get the best care. My primary dutyIf you look at the broad spectrum of where is to ensure our patients get what their providerschiropractic lies in the medical profession, want them to get, such as treatments, therapies,were an outlier, he said. We have to defend medications, infusions, or other procedures.ourselvesquiteabitwithsomeofthe Severalinfusionpatientsareundermypreconceived notions that patients have about watch because they are at higher risk, andcoming to see us. Many medical physicians much is involved with insurance companiesmsfocusmagazine.org 28"