b'brain, and eyes. Pomegranates, blueberries, large uctuations in blood sugar, insulin, andblackberries, and cherries all contain these weight that can cause more inammation,nutrients. A morning smoothie made up of something we want to avoid in MS. Insteaddark berries, banana, and fruit juice, or a few leaning toward whole or unprocessed foodshandfuls of these dark berries as a snack or leads to less inammation and weight gain. part of a meal can be a signicant source of Chemical additives, while sometimesantioxidants. studied individually for health effects inOne of my favorite families of foods, animals or healthy adults, are not oftenBrassicae, contains chemicals that improve researched with each other, or how thesehow your body protects against oxidative stress additives may affect people with chronicandtoxicexposures.Broccoli,cauliower, illnesses. Brussels sprouts, and kale all can help the Abody ght against oxidation, the rust of old Addddrreessssiinnggeelliimmiinnaattiioonnnneeeeddssage and disease. This family of foods are The lastand perhaps most important delicious when tossed in oil, spices, and part of cleaning your body is the naturalroasted in the oven.elimination of wastes through your organs ofFoods rich in beta carotenes or bioavonoids elimination: skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, andprotect neural tissue from damage. Making GI tract. Lungs excrete waste, making deepa juice with oranges and carrots or a soup of breathing and regular activity vital for removal.beets, onions, and peppers a great way to get Urination is a good indicator of how cleanthose colors on your side.yourbloodis.IfyouhavedarkyelloworAt the same time some whole foods may brown urine you need to drink more waternot have many colors, such as nuts, seeds, or andlikelyconsideraconsult with yourgrains, but instead have healthy fats and primary physician. Bowel movements shouldprotein that sustain the function of your cells. be regular, meaning predictable in size andA quinoa, sunower seed, and honey morning frequency of movements. If you havemeal, or a homemade vegan nut burger can frequent watery or ineectual movements, orprovide essential amino acids and oils the very infrequent, dicult ones, then a change inanimal alternative can barely compete with.your diet is likely very necessary and you mayA want to have a nutritional or gastrointestinalAvvooiiddiinnggpprroocceesssseeddffooooddssconsultation. When it comes to eliminating food options, Thus, when asked about detox diets orfoods that are processed are often the choice spring cleanses, I often try to lead my patientsto remove from your diet. Most have added to make smart daily decisions about the foodsugars, salts, preservatives, or colorings. While they put in front of themselves each day. Is itthey may be cheaper, store for extended a whole food? Is it colorful? Can I read theperiods, and satisfy transient cravings, manyof these adaptations are not great for your ingredient label without a Ph.D.? Did I wash itbody. Your body is interested and craves real all down with clean, clear water?food where minimal processing occurs.If the answers to all those questions areProcessed,sugaryfoodssuchasbaked yes, then you are well on your way to a cleangoods, cereals, and snack foods can cause diet.15 msfocusmagazine.org'