b'reveals the view. My wife and I have employed Look at it one more time, if you must, thenthe philosophy of avoiding clutter in our home. toss it. Most of us will not have a presidentialWe have a two-year rule that guides us: for library dedicated in their name, welcomingitems that havent been touched for two years such archives.or wont be used in the very near future, eitherDo you need to store old cans of paint tosell, donate, or toss it. Space cleared with few touch up rooms that are no longer that color?regrets. Doubt it. There are ways to properly disposeSet a reasonable goal to clear some shelves of old paint, chemicals, ammables and otherand closets, then hold yourself accountable dangerous materials. Most municipalitieswith a partner, encouraging you to honestly have facilities to safely accept these items,declutter. This is helpful if you require physical so let them and dont save it. A cleared shelfassistance. Reorganize one room or cabinet at is uncomplicated and beautiful, even in thea time, discarding obsolete clothes, furniture, basement, youll see.and dust-covered stu. Pace yourself with theWhere there is a cluttered closet, shelf ortiming of your best MS energies. There may basement cornerpicture a clear space,beseveralunclutteringprojectsthateach then get to work. Think of museums andtake more than one afternoon. Be patient and their valued spaces and collections. Theypersistent. dont stack, horde, and display all of theirSome Examples: possessions; and neither should others.That suitcase full of old family films andAccept help to move items and donate them:photos, dont let them decay. There are image GenerouslyhanditemstoGoodwillandbusinesses that will take your archives and record a tax deduction. Some places, suchdigitize them to CDs or computer les. Your as Purple Heart, will pick up and removefamily history is not only preserved, but can loads and furniture at no cost. It is a goodbe easily shared. Afterward, quickly toss the feeling to give something useful to othersold useless recordings. who may benet from it. Point and let themtake it away with smiles. How long must you save old tax returns andOutdated medication should be properlythe supporting documents? It isnt forever, disposed and not indenitely stored for thecheck with IRS or a tax preparer. Securely next time. Check with your medical provider,store what is required and shred the rest. but you should probably only save what is Reorganize and clear those scary shelves. currently prescribed for you to use, until it isStarting with old books, junk containers, expired. It is a serious risk to do otherwiseoutdated reference and travel materials: let and will prevent you from being confusedthem go. If you think that you still need by outdated medication. your high school or college notebooks, then Dont let your mind be disoriented by anythis will be a labored process for you. Ask cluttering mounds around you. When theyyourself why you would ever look through it are gone, then so are the attached mentalagain? You probably havent, wont, and distractions wasting your attention. Declutterneither will anyone else. Harsh reality. Piles andclearyourcognitivespaceforusefulof useless information are a burden to store. thoughts and plans.35 msfocusmagazine.org'