b'reaching for everyday items in the kitchen Kalinas MS clutter management protocol,or bathroom? If you answered yes to any it is recommended to allocate 15 minutes onof these questions, this is where you could a daily basis to participate in your declutteringbegin.project. We assume everybody can nd 15It is essential to remove any obstacles minutes within their day to participate inor clutter that can pose a fall risk and do it this project. Having shorter, more manageablerst. This may include any area rugs that timeframesshouldhelpreduceprojectdonothaveanonskidbackingand/or burnout over time. cordsyouhavetoattentivelynegotiate 5. Protect your body: Incorporate the followingaround to avoid tripping.general body mechanics principles whenDevelop an organized system for clothing organizing your physical space to avoidthat has previously been worn or you are getting hurt: in the process of folding and putting awayMaintain a wide base of support (keepto eliminate any opportunity of it ending up feet at hip distance) to balance youron the oor. Additionally, having a permanent weight and increase your stability.home where all your shoes live instead ofBend at your knees, not at your back.keeping them dispersed throughout yourTighten your stomach muscles to helphome is benecial to prevent risk of falls. protect your back from getting hurt.This strategy also applies to any child or petWhen carrying something heavy, keeptoys. Pro Tip: label boxes and bins to make it close to your body and avoid twistingsure everybody in your household is aware your body.of the proper location when they are cleaning.Another way to conserve energy andStand close to the object being moved.prevent risks of falls is to keep items youUse a footstool or ladder, when appropriate.frequently use (i.e. a coee maker, a favorite Try not to overstretch when reaching forpot or pan, a glass for water) within reach. an item.Taking the time to reorganize your kitchenSit down when possible.cabinets with common items positionedAsk for help or delegate when needed.nearby to avoid excessive bending or reaching 6. Know what your options are: Developing awill save you a lot of time and energy in systematic plan may be very challengingthe long run. Taking the time to properly to do, especially if you experience cognitiveassess what you actually do use may facilitate changes, high levels of fatigue, or if you arethe process of disposing of less functional simply unsure how to assess safety hazardsitems that are taking up space in your home.in your home environment. It may be4. Make the time and take breaks: Some of benecial to consult an occupational therapistus get so invested in a specic task that we to help you formulate an individualizedforget to take a break. Unfortunately overdoing plan to maximize safety, fatigue managementit can lead to overheating and subsequent strategies,andorganizationaltipstohigh levels of fatigue. According to J. Tamar facilitate in eective rollout of your project.13 msfocusmagazine.org'