b'MS Focus ActivitiesPublicationsBy Kimani HendricksMS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation material on exercise and tness, and diseasewas founded in 1986 with the goal of exploring activity in women and children, but our moreboth traditional and nontraditional treatment notablebookletsbyfararetheonesonoptions to benet the lives of people with MS. cognition, and diet and nutrition, said Derrick. The organization bridged a gap between the Food to Fight MS shares dietary guidanceMS community and the wealth of knowledge that contributes to the overall wellness of peopleawaiting them. Before the advent of the with MS. The Fitness Prescription looks at whyinternet, there wasnt much material out there exercise is essential and discusses all the dierentfor individuals with multiple sclerosis, so one practices that benet one with the disease. Inof the rst things we did was formulate fact the early nineties, doctors instructed peoplesheets on various topics relative to the disease, with MS not to exercise because they believedsaid Kasey Minnis, director of Communications.that the increase in core body temperatureTo keep information timely, the need for a would be harmful, Kasey said. But this falseperiodical was seen. The rst issue of the MS informationledtodeconditioningandFocus was published in 1991 as a printed worsening disability, which was far more costlynewsletter. Its present format developed in than any amount of exercise.1996. Throughout the late 90s and early 2000s,MS Focus enhanced its publications byreleasing booklets, which provide readers within-depth coverage on specic matters. At thetime, Derrick Lee, associate director of Qualityof Life Programs and Services, was a new hirebut often teamed up with colleagues in theCommunications department to brainstormpotential subjects for subscribers. We oermsfocusmagazine.org 46'