b'Life with MSHHoowwttoobbeePPrroodduuccttiivveeWWhhiilleeSShheelltteerriinnggiinnPPllaacceeOptions include earning a degree, nding the ideal work-from-home job,or decluttering your homeBy Rachel JaneEven for those who have moderate to appliances or even that car in your garage,severe symptoms, MS is not always the cause maybe its time to let it go. Just make sure toof the daily challenges we face. For instance, indicateanyissuesordamageswithanydealingwithshelter-in-placedirectivesin items you sell when you post them on yourorder to curtail pandemic spread is a complete local Facebook buy-and-sell group or yourchallenge on its own. And if these restrictions personal social media accounts. Nowadays,have upended your MS coping routines and its easy to sell secondhand items thanks tohabits or derailed your personal productivity, the increased connectivity aorded by socialthere are ways to start moving again in the media. And last, but not least, dont forget toright direction. sanitize any item that you send out for delivery.D EDooaannOOnnlliinneeGGaarraaggeeSSaallee EnnrroolllliinnaannOOnnlliinneeDDeeggrreeeePPrrooggrraammThis simple task lets you hit two birds with Online courses and extensive educationone stone: its an opportunity to declutter programs are easier to access today than everyour home as well as earn a little extra money before. Furthermore, many of todays degree-on the side. If there was a perfect time to start level online courses can train you for increasinglyclearing your home of unwanted furniture, in-demand professions. Theres denitely noelectronics, clothes, and other stu, it would be shortage of programs you can enroll in if younow when were supposed to be sheltering- wanttolandahigh-payingjobinanyofin-place. If youve put o the repairs of certain todays rapidly digitally transforming industries.msfocusmagazine.org 26'