b'Symptom ManagementAAnnOOccccuuppaattiioonnaallTThheerraappiissttssGGuuiiddeet oTTaacckklliinnggSSpprriinnggCClleeaanniinnggtoSSiixxtthhiinnggssttootthhiinnkkaabboouuttbeeffoorreettaacckklliinnggyyoouurrnneexxttcclleeaanniinnggpprroojjeeccttBy Dori Cohen bAs the year progresses, many of us inevitably manageable parts. For example, instead ofaccumulate papers, develop piles of old clothing tackling your entire kitchen, which can beor unused personal belongings that are no quite a daunting task, divide the room uplonger used, and may even create a couple of based on its function. You may want to startaccidental junk drawers. While this can be by addressing sections of the pantry, followedproblematic for anybody, it can be especially by individual cabinets. Consider organizingconcerning for individuals with multiple sclerosis. various storage spaces within your homeIncreased clutter and disorganization may rst (i.e. dressers, cabinets, closets) so youlead to safety concerns, such as increased risk have the space to put new things. Performingof falling, increased fatigue associated with smaller tasks with intermittent rest breaksspending energy looking for a specic item, should help you conserve your energyincreased stress and frustration, decreased throughout the duration of the project.participation in a household task, and Additionally, being able to cross o completeddecreased socialization within the home. tasks more frequently can be quite rewardingBelow are some tips to consider when and motivating. initiating a spring-cleaning project: 3. Pace yourself: To develop a plan, I strongly1. Make a plan: Most people start organization recommendevaluating yourhomeprojects with a high level of enthusiasm environment for any safety hazards thatthat unfortunately dwindles over time. It is may pose a risk of a potential fall. You canbest to develop a concrete written plan prior ask yourself, is there a specic part of yourtophysicallymovingyourbelongings. home you tend to trip over (such as a pilePlanning ahead will help streamline your of shoes at the entryway of your home orproject without wasting any physical energy.an area rug)? Do you have to maneuver your2. Pace yourself:During the planning stage, way around cords and wires on the oor?break up a larger project into smaller, more Do you nd yourself losing your balancemsfocusmagazine.org 12'