b'MS Focus ActivitiesNational Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness MonthIn 2021, Your MentalHealth MattersAnnual events went ondespite coronavirusThis year, MS Focus helped those in the MS community by putting a spotlight on mentalhealth. By asking Are You Okay? we sought to provide members of the community with toolsto deal with the stress of an unpredictable disease during this uncertain time. We placedemphasis on the reality that your feelings matter.With the support of our sponsors for 2021s National MS Education and Awareness Month -Genentech, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Sano Genzyme, Biogen, EMD Serono, Novartis, and Viatris -we presented a series of informative national teleconferences. We also distributed a free Awarenessbooklet to 70,000 subscribers of MS Focus Magazine. It includes valuable information on whyyour feelings matter, the various mental health symptoms MS can cause, how your mental healthaects your physical health, how access to mental health care is essential, maintaining yourmental health, and fighting the stigma of mental illness. If you did not receive a copy, or needadditional copies, you can do so by contacting us at support@msfocus.org or by phone at 888-673-6287.TeleconferencesThis year, our programs were presented online because of the national outbreak of novelcoronavirus COVID-19. Our 2021 National MS Education and Awareness Month teleconferenceseries had it all! Surviving Suicidal Thoughts msfocus.us/030121Amy S. House, PhD. Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and HealthBehavior at Augusta University.About one-third of individuals living with MS report experiencing suicidalthoughts. Suicidal thoughts are uncomfortable and scary. House explained whythese thoughts occur and provided techniques and resources for dealing with them.Anxiety and Stress Management in MS msfocus.us/030921Pearl B Werfel, PhD. Clinical psychologist; NMSS Partner in Care.Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry, feeling wound up or tense, anddiculty controlling thoughts and feelings. Werfel explains anxiety not onlycauses emotional distress; it can also cause physical distress and symptomssuch as fatigue and insomnia. Dr. Werfel provided tips to eectively cope withanxiety and stress.msfocusmagazine.org 50'