b'Medicine & ResearchDispose of UnusedMedicationsBy Ellen Whipple, Pharm.D. and Stephanie Watson,Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate from the University of Georgia College of PharmacySpring cleaning is right around the corner, The FDA Flush List is a short list of 15and cleaning out your medicine cabinet is an medications that can safely be ushed downessentialpartofreducingriskofharmto the toilet or drain at home. This is a goodyourself or others in your household. Unused option for medication that can be especiallymedicationcanbedangerousiftakenby harmful and should be disposed of immediatelysomeone for whom the medication was not when no longer needed and the Drug Takeprescribed. This poses harm to children and Back Program is not readily available. Somepets who may take medication accidentally. patients are concerned about the eect thatLuckily, there is a way to protect your family ushing medication down the drain has onfrom unused or expired medications: proper the environment. The FDA has studied thedisposal. All medicationsoral, injectable, eect of ushing these 15 medications on theinhaled, and patch medicationsshould all environment and human health. This studybe disposed of properly to keep your family concluded that these 15 medications pose asafe from unwanted exposure to medication. negligible risk to the environment. There is aOral Medicationshigher and more likely risk of harm to humansfrom accidental exposure in the home, whichThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration outweighs any miniscule potential risk to therecommends three options for safe disposal environmentwhenthesemedicationsareof tablets, capsules, and liquids: drug take ushed.back programs, the FDA ush list, and your If the Drug Take Back Program is nothousehold trash. available, all medications (except for those onThe Drug Take Back Program, at various the FDA Flush List) can be safely disposed oflocations all across the nation, provides an in the household trash when done properly.optionforthedisposalanddestructionof Remove any pills or liquids from theirmedication in a controlled environment so prescriptioncontainers,mixthemwiththat medications cannot be accidentally or something undesirable like dirt, cat litter, orintentionally used once disposed. According used coee grounds. This makes medicationto the FDA, this is the best option for disposal less appealing and unrecognizable to beof unused medication. Drug Take Back locations tampered with by pets, children, or someoneintentionally trying to use the medication.include select police departments, pharmacies, Put this mixture in a sealable containerzipor health departments. To search for a lock bag or container with a lid. Throw thelocation near you, visit the Drug Enforcement container away. Do not crush any tablets orAdministration website. capsules when disposing in the trash.msfocusmagazine.org 38'