b"Ben Thrower is the medical director of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Institute atShepherd Center. He previously served as the medical director of the Holy FamilyMultiple Sclerosis Institute in Spokane, Wash. In Spokane, he was the chair of theInland Northwest Chapter of the NMSS. In 2000, he was awarded the NormCohn Hope Chest Award by the National MS Society, recognizing his work withthe MS community. In 2005, he was the first physician inductee into the GeorgiaChapter of the National MS Society Volunteer Hall of Fame. Doctor Thrower hasserved the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation for many years as Senior Medical Advisor.Ellen Whipple has been a medical advisor with MS Focus since 2002. She is aclinical pharmacist employed within medical aairs, as a director of medicalcommunications, and a clinical assistant professor with the University of GeorgiaCollege of Pharmacy.Christine Willis is the director of Knowledge Management and LearningResources at Shepherd Center in Atlanta. She oversees the Noble LearningResource Center and provides research assistance to clinicians as well as consumerhealth information for patients and families. Her research interests include healthliteracy, library services for people with disabilities, and teaching clinicians howto access and evaluate evidence-based research to be applied in their practice.Marco Vespignani is currently adjunct faculty at Bastyr University for NaturalHealth in Seattle, teaching clinical neurology. He received his bachelor's degree inevolutionary biology from the University of Hawaii where he became interested inthe human role in the ecosystem and ultimately, natural medicine. He graduatedfrom Bastyr University with a degree in Naturopathic Medicine in 2004.At Send a Cake, our business is not only to sell delicious cakes, we're in the business of making lasting memories. Send a Cake was founded as a way to send cakes, but also to send top quality products and experiences in great packaging. Our motto has always been to leave the world a little sweeter than we found it.We are proud to partner with the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, we hope the smiles we send can also help provide assistance and treatment to those living with MS. You can help this goal by using the promo code Giving4MS when you place orders on Sendacake.com and we will donate 20% of your purchase to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.9 msfocusmagazine.org"