b"you learn how to accomplish this task. Delete about. This happens when you surf the web.emails you no longer want. Check your spam When you surf the web, you need to understandand sent folders. Emails pile up there as well. that if you are getting out, they can get in.Be sure to empty your trash otherwise they Many websites you visit track you for a varietyare not removed permanently. Creating a fake of reasons. Some are harmless, just so theyemail account is a good way to avoid spam. can send you related information. Some canUsing a provider such as Yahoo or Google, be quite nefarious, hence spam and robocalls.you can create an account that you only use Websites use cookies that are les depositedwhen you are not sure how safe it is to share on your device. The term cookies is usedinformation, such as a website you may want because they leave of trail of crumbs as toto check out but might be questionable. This where you have been. You can turn o cookies,will keep your main email a lot less cluttered but some sites won't let you in unless they areand safer. turned on. It is very important to clear yourbrowsing history and your cookies. If you take a lot of pictures and video, they The other thing that gets deposited on yourtake up a lot of memoryespecially videos. device is a cached copy of the site you visit forDelete any duplicates. Just like email, when faster loading when you return. The cacheyou delete them, they go to a trash le. Be sure should also be cleared. The more often youto empty the trash to delete them permanently. clear all of them the better. It is recommendedYou have the option of saving pictures and to do it every time you are done surng justvideo to your device and the cloud. This is not before you close your browser. The two mosta straightforward choice. It depends on how commonbrowsersareSafari(Apple)andmuch storage you have on both the cloud and Chrome (Google). They both have a lot ofyour device. It also depends on how much information available to explain how to cleansharingyouwishtodo.Ifyouwantlearn this data. If you are not tech savvy, you maymore about this, it is worth the time to do a need to get help from a tech-savvy friend orlittle research. Either way, make sure you back relative, but this is well worth asking for help. up your les, as pictures are often irreplaceable. The nal part of this section deals with searchOne more important fact to note if you share engine choice. Most people automatically usea lot of pictures is that when you take a picture, Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, there are severalit creates a geotag. A geotag is embedded in much less intrusive choices. Read the followingthe le with date, time, and location. This how article from How to Geek to learn more.you often get labels with the place of the picture. howtogeek.com/113513/5-alternative-search-You can turn this o if you wish. Most people engines-that-respect-your-privacy/ don't, but if your picture ends up somewhere Keeping your technology clean is morein social media you may not want this to be important now than ever. It can be quite dauntingpublic. to learn some of the more technical parts ofCookies and cache cleaning your device, but don't let that keepyou from protecting your privacy and yourThe nal section of this article pertains to investment, because technology is necessaryles that get downloaded that you dont know and can be expensive. 41 msfocusmagazine.org"