b"MS Focus Activitiesdisease. Wed been an active group years or calling 888-MSFOCUS (888-673-6287),before becoming an aliate with MS Focus said Derrick. but are eternally grateful for the relationship. NotonlyisourphilosophytoeducateWe look forward to receiving and reading the people about their condition and symptoms,monthly yers and quarterly magazines and Kasey said, but to ensure that useful informationparticipating in the online conferences. is at the ngertips of those who need it most.Although Ive lived with MS for 30 years Whether its medication or lifestyle, we wantnow, the abundance of educational materials members of this community to take charge ofand programs keep me out of the dark of their MS, and were happy when clients shareuncertainty,andIknowmypeersfeelthe stories that show the benefits from thesame way.information theyve received through MS Focus.Online, you can access many of thesepublications. On msfocusmagazine.org,readers can view issues from years past, oryou can request physical and digital copies ofpublicationsonmsfocus.org.Onthemainmsfocus.org website, under the Get Educatedtab and Educational Materials selection,individuals will nd fact sheets, booklets, andbrochures. They can inquire about specicliterature by either using the publicationsrequest form at the bottom of each educationalmaterials list, emailing support@msfocus.org,CCoonnttaaccttuussffoorrhheellpp::Phone: 888-MSFocus (673-6287)email: support@msfocus.orgOnline applications: msfocus.orgAs a person with MS (or a caregiver),what have you found important to cleanout of your life?Mary Jane Guidry As a person with PPMS, I've had to remove certain people as they were the largestcontributing stress-related obstacles. Hard to do but was best for my health and attitude.Heidi Kulllman Negative people and I went keto on 3/19/17.Shawn Duy If need something bad enough, I will make it happen; just maybe not how I intended tohappen. Lon Sharon Wilde No unnecessary steps! Must plan ahead for occasions! msfocusmagazine.org 48"