b'But making a simple paste of baking soda Exercise Equipmentand water can be very eective and is a natural Yogamats,exercisebikes,andweightscleanser. And just a little bit of white vinegar oftencollectbacteriafromoursweatandinaspraybottlecanaddsomescrubbing needregularcleaningafteruse.Hereisapower. simple recipe that uses witch hazel, essentialMake a paste by mixing baking soda with oils, and water that works as a deodorizer fora small amount of water. Apply the paste to exercise equipment. the desired surface with a sponge or cloth, ThefollowingisayogamatsprayDIYand scrub thoroughly. You can also add a few recipe from REI.com. drops of essential oils into the paste to help What youll need:with creating a pleasant scent. If you want toA spray bottleadd essential oils, be sure to wear gloves orwash your hands with soap and water if anyWhite vinegar or witch hazelof the oil lands on your skin. WaterBefore diving in and cleaning your ovenOptional: Essential oils (our favorites are teaafter reading this article, do some research to tree, lavender, and lemongrass)ndout what worksbestfor you. Also,be Directions:mindful of what the manufacturer recommends 1. Pour 4 cups of water into a spray bottle,for cleaning a particular surface.followed by 1 cup of vinegar. For smallerHere are a few things found in the kitchen batches keep the ratio 4 to 1. (1 cup to one-you can clean with baking soda: quarter cup) Ovens 2. Add 2 to 4 drops of essential oil into the Stained coee cups bottle.Considerteatreeoil,whichhasbeen shown to have some antimicrobial Stained marble properties. Other popular options include Grease stains scentedoilslikelavender,lemongrass,peppermint, or orange.Kitchen tiles 3. Cap your bottle, then shake lightly to Clogged drains combine. Tarnished silver 4. Layyourmatoutonaatsurfaceand Microwave spray all over with the cleaning mixture.Spray more cleaner onto your mat thanNote: The EPA does not consider vinegar a you think youll need, as its likely to soakregistered disinfectant. To kill germs on surfaces, into the material.the CDC recommends using a registered 5. Using a clean towel, rub the cleaner intodisinfectant or, if suitable for the surface, a the mat in circular motions.diluted bleach product. Vinegar is generally 6. Allow your mat to dry unfurled, then ip itconsidered to be an alternative ingredient for over to clean the other side in the samea household cleaner (but not a disinfectant).manner.43 msfocusmagazine.org'