b'your tongue, the muscles in your esophagus, P.S. Its also worth noting that our readersor another cause. They can then give you can request the Non Chew Cookbook fromtechniques for eating and drinking safely, and our Lending Library. Through this program, youin some cases, exercises that may improve can request books like this one to be deliveredyour ability to swallow. to your home at no charge. The book will beFor those individuals with severe swallowing sent with an envelope and postage so you candiculties, pureed food recipes are a great return it to the library when you are through.option to keep enjoying the avors you love. Popular books may have a waiting list.We are featuring one of Evas recipes in thisissues Fatigue-Free Foodie column. Find it If there are books youd like to recommendon page 58. for inclusion in our Lending Library, please letThank you, Eva, for bringing this important us know. Send an email to editor@msfocus.orgissue to light, and for your generous oer to withthesubjectlineLendingLibraryshare your recipes with others who will Recommendation.benet from them.Have Your SayIf you have tips and suggestions for making life easier with MS, wed love tohear them! Email us at editor@msfocus.org.MMSSFFOOCCUUSSAATTSSEEAAwill be sailing toALASKA on MAY 29, 2020Celebrity Cruises 7-Night Alaska Dawes Glacier Cruise on Celebrity SolsticeTO BOOK YOUR CRUISE, CONTACT: Elda at: 305-666-1010To participate in the 2020MS Focus educational programyou must book your reservationwith Group Number 7027854If you need an accessible stateroom,book early!msfocusmagazine.org 10'