b'4. Find a proper diet and exercise program professionalswithyearsofexperienceinthat is tried and true in helping combat the adapting programs for the individuals theysymptoms and limitations of MS. There are work with.Since wehaveasnowakeway too many MS experts out there who are disease that can be very dierent from onebombarding us with diets and exercise to another, we have to adjust every exerciseprograms that are the miracle cure for MS. and diet program to meet our unique needs.Remember, as much as we want a cure for Working with someone who knows how toMS, there is no cure yet and even a perfect do this will make all the dierence in thedietorexerciseregimen canonlydoas results you will achieve. much as your body will have it do.Search for good education, training andDont just jump into the latest, greatest adviceandyouwillmaketremendousprogram and hope that your MS will suddenly gains in your battle against MS throughreverse itself. Stick to MS-certied fitness tness.UUppddaattee::tthheeMMSSFFiittnneessssCChhaalllleennggeeEExxppaannddssaannddGGrroowwssby David LyonsMS Fitness Challenge is rapidly expanding around the world and is now reaching 25countries. Our charity provides guidance and support to people with MS and fitnessprofessionals worldwide in an eort to educate and train them in the benets of exercise,nutrition, and mindset in winning the battle against multiple sclerosis. MSFC pays for theseprograms with the help of its many supporters, including MS Focus.The MSFC programs are no cost or low cost to the MS community. There are many waysto get involved in a MSFC program. We oer: Free 12-week one-on-one training programs around the country at host gyms. Theseprograms enable people with MS to work personally with a MS-certied trainer during theprogram to reach their optimum tness goals and combat the limitations of MS. We havehelped more than 200 MSers in nine cities to date.Free eight-week online video exercise programs with our partners at MS Workouts thatenable people with MS all over the world to access an in-home exercise regimen usingresistance bands. Our rst eight week challenge enrolled 1,500 MSers worldwide.Free educational and motivational Facebook group (msfocus.us/MSFCgroup) has morethan 6,500 members and provides daily, ongoing tness support for the MS community.We cover the topics of mindset, exercise, nutrition, and alternative MS treatments. Low-cost MSFC Training Camp is a weekend of speaking and training sessions held by topMS tness experts in their elds who are part of the MSFC Team. Our next training camp eventwill be held in May, 2020, in Los Angeles. We also oer low-cost online individual trainingprograms, which have helped more than 500 MSers in many countries. Learn more about MSFC at mstnesschallenge.com. 13 msfocusmagazine.org'