b'years. In return, she gave me precisely what I don\'t know who needs to hear this, but ifI needed. I was allowed the opportunity not you are dealing with something, acknowledgeto smile, and to be angry at my disease and it. Don\'t cover it up, don\'t overlook it, don\'t bethe things it took from me. Not to mention, the afraid not to be everybody\'s everything, andchance to grieve in losing two women who don\'t be scared to ask for help when you needmeant galaxies to me. Most importantly, I it. I understand sometimes it takes a while totook o my cape and became vulnerable. I gurethatlastoneout,but when youdo,never had that opportunity, because I didn\'t don\'t be ashamed. We are not put down hereallow myself to have it. But that day, I did. alone to get through life in isolation. I tookAnd many days after that, I continued to let back the keys to my life when I started therapy,myself be human. and I\'m genuinely living to be the bestFast forward to today, I still have conver- version of myself every day.sations with my therapist who\'s thousands of So know when you see me smile now, it\'smiles away. Instead of healing and processing, a most triumphant and life-lled smile withwe now focus on getting back to my "happy" a radiance that dimmed for quite some time.and properly structuring self-care time. I\'ve Themovetomeandmylittleone\'snewlearned how to build a business, write a book, space was so symbolic, and I wake up with aand, most importantly, I learned to completely smile each day, and I go to bed thankful. Ifall back in love with me and everything that know depression may nd its way now andmakes me who I am. Today reminded me of then, but I now know how to deal with it, andallthepainIwentthrough,andjusthow while I\'m not anywhere near getting "that oldblessed I am to be where I am through all of it. thang back," I am so much better.What is one small chanEe you made thathas improved your quality of life with MS?Dawn Davidson: I organized all my medical records at home into condensed files, set up easy toremember reminders for doctor appointments, meds, and other tasks. I always schedule in time o, andthe best is seeing a counselor to discuss my stress and the use of mindfulness at times of anxiety.Rachel Laurn: I have a bar on the wall right next to the toilet so I can lift myself up. I have a handicappedshower with a chair so I can sit down to wash my hair. There is also a bar in there to stand back up andkeep your balance.Sandy Cole: Installing a chair level toilet.Facebook Feedback is your chance to share your experiences related to topics covered in theMS Focus Magazine. Like our Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundationand watch for our next Facebook Feedback post.Request to join our Facebook group at Facebook.com/groups/msfocus.49 msfocusmagazine.org'