b'Life with MSHHeeaalltthhyyFFiinnaanncceessCCrruucciiaallt oLLiivviinnggWWeellllwwiitthhMMSStoPPllaannnniinngg,,ssaavviinngg,,aannddmmaakkiinnggcchhooiicceessppuuttyyoouuiinnccoonnttrroollFinances are a serious part of everyones according to your spending history. Cut backlife, especially for people living with multiple where needed. Once you have a budget plannedsclerosis. Just as having a healthy body and out, you can manage what you are actuallymind are important to a good quality of life, spending.maintaining control over your nances is also Eimportant. Having a healthy nancial outlook Evveerryytthhiinnggiissaacchhooiicceetakes planning.ManagingyournancesofteninvolvesAlan Segalo, the executive director of MS making dicult choices. Segalo said, UsingFocus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, your past history and seeing how you arerecently discussed how small changes can spending is really important. The worst thingmake a big dierence in your nances.thatcanhappenisgettingintodebt. ThatB happens a lot.Beeiinnggaawwaarreeooffyyoouurrssppeennddiinngg The budget process is a good way to manageAccording to Segalo, the rst thing you your nancial choices. Segalo advises usingmust do is to keep track of your spending. a spreadsheet that lists all your expenses basedTrack your spending for four or ve months on past spending, You know your rent is Xto get a sense of where your money goes. amount of dollars every month you know yourOnce you see how your money is currently electric bill runs so much money and youbeing used, you can adjust your spending know what you spend on food. Maybe insteadwith a carefully planned budget. of going to the closest grocery, you go some-Budgeting is a major part of managing place a mile further that is less expensive, butyour nances. But budgeting doesnt come still gives you the quality you are looking for.easy to everyone. Thankfully, there are online Segaloff also said, Ask yourself -am Itools that are available to help. Some are spending too much over here? When waseasy-to-follow apps. Others are forms or the last time I looked at my options for myspreadsheets that list income, expenses, and cellular provider or my cable provider? Whensavings. you really take a look, you realize that youBudgetingstartswithrecordingyour may have a lot of control over your nances.income after taxes, Next, list all your necessary Pfixed expenses (ones that are usually the Prrooffeessssiioonnaallhheellppsame from month to month), such as rent or Depending on your needs, you may wantmortgage, and utilities. Based on that, make to seek professional nancial help. There area plan allocating the remaining money many certied nancial planners available.msfocusmagazine.org 16'