b'Play on WordsIts Your MonthV I S N I T R C H ! I B L T H E O RC OY T M M U EF H I S M A B E M SUnscramble the tiles to reveal a message.Solution to last issues puzzle -Leveling the Playing FieldClues Tom Ben April1. Tom is not artistic.Job2. Ben is dropped o at work by paratransit. Graphic designer No Yes No3. April works in healthcare and has no Customer service rep Yes No Nocognitive issues. Medical assistantNo No Yes4. The graphic designer has diculty walking. Symptom5. The person with cognitive impairment Decreased mobility No Yes Nonds it improves with rest. Fatigue No No YesCognitive impairment Yes No NoAccommodationCloser parking space No No YesPeriodic rest breaks Yes No NoModied work space No Yes No59 msfocusmagazine.org'