b"Medicine & ResearchThe procedure consists of implanting the such as aquatic therapy. It is important to notediaphragm pacemakers electrode under the that diaphragm pacemakers do not pose thephrenic nerve and its receiver just under the risks associated with mechanical ventilatorsskin. This can be done either in the neck area such as pneumonia, collapsed lungs, infections,(cervically)orinthechest(thoracically). airway injuries and diaphragm atrophy. Typically, patients receive two sets of implants: Because of their clinical ecacy, the costone on each side. For patients with conditions of the procedure is reimbursed by Medicarethat restrict this dual implant approach, the and most private and government insuranceimplantation is conned to one side. across the globe. Insurers value the diaphragmThe minimally invasive procedure takes pacemakersroleinreducinghospitaltwo to four hours. An intraoperative evaluation readmission and facilitating shorter hospitalis performed to conrm the proper stimulation stays. Additionally, they recognize that, whileofthephrenicnerveanddiaphragm the initial cost of a pacemaker system may becontraction. Patients are usually discharged high, the long-term savings are considerable.from the hospital one to two days after the A study published in the journal Spinal Cord,procedure. Some procedures are performed found that diaphragm pacing costs about 90on an outpatient basis. percent less than the expenses associated withQ a ventilator, generating an estimated savingsQuuaalliittyyoofflliiffeeeennhhaanncceemmeennttssovveerrmmeecchhaanniiccaallvveennttiillaattiioonno of up to $20,000 per year.IndividualswithMS,formerlyona CClloossiinnggrreemmaarrkkssmechanical ventilator, experience many While breathing diculties are a commonhealth benetssuch as improved breathing,quality of speech, and ability to eat and drink. challengeforpeople withMS,manycanMoreover, they realize a marked improvement benet from diaphragm pacing. Taking theintheirqualityoflifeusingadiaphragm time to evaluate an individuals suitability forpacemaker. They have the ability to be more a diaphragm pacemaker is an investment thatmobile and independent, and participate in could pay o tremendously in signicantlyactivities and therapies previously prohibited, improved health and quality of life.What is one small chanEe you made thathas improved your quality of life with MS?Dee Rob: I've lowered my expectations in God, family, and life itself. This has helped me cope.Dawn Karau Stone: Removed all sugar and articial sweeteners from my drinks; only water now.Becki Fox-Michaelis: I re-evaluated my priorities. Quit taking whatever medication I didnt need. SheanaEh Gibbs: Eating a plant-based diet!msfocusmagazine.org 30"