b"Life with MSFFiivveeSSmmaallllCChhaannggeessCCaannMMaakkeeBBiiggDDiieerreenncceessiinnYYoouurrRReellaattiioonnsshhiippssMaakkeetthheemmoossttooffwwhhaattyyoouu,,yyoouurrMs poouussee,,aannddffrriieennddssccaannddoottooggeetthheerrspBy Dan and Jennifer DigmannSometimes we feel as though all we can do changes that weve found can add up to bigisjust make it through the day with our multiple dierences.sclerosis-related challenges. Take the lead in how youFrom the relentless fatigue that prevents handle your MSus from getting up and going out, to bladder Living with a chronic illness is a big deal.issues that keep us inside because we always Its overwhelming. Confusing. Scary. Nerve-have to go, theres so much to worry about that wracking (pun totally intended!). Its importantmaintaining healthy relationships with our to remember that you are stronger than yoursignicant others, family members, and friends MS, because of the support you receive fromoften become the last things on our minds. the people who surround you. And heres theIf weve learned anything in our 14 years reality: its a big deal for them as well. Howof marriage (we both have had MS for more they handle having a spouse, family member,than two decades), its that sustaining and orafriend withMSoftenstarts withhowstrengtheningtheserelationshipsshould their loved one is handling it. For as much astake top priority in our thoughts and actions you need them to be strong for you, you alsoeach day.need to be strong for them. Yes, you have MS,but theres more to you than this disease.Yes, the aforementioned MS issues often Tell it like it is and listentake center stage and demand our attention. to what theyre sayingBut at the end of the day, its the relationships Wevefoundthathonestyandopenwith others that help carry us through the communication are key to strong relationshipstoughest MS challenges and remind us that when living with MS. When you have openwe're not facing this disease alone.and honest conversations with others, thereTo help you shift the focus from MS to never is confusion over what you each arerelationships that matter, here are ve small thinking or where you each are coming from.msfocusmagazine.org 22"