b"The smart home There are several advantages of using digitalIn today's Jetsons-like world of technology media. The rst one is that you can retrievethings such as lights, thermostats, and appliances material from any location with just an Internetcan be easily controlled with voice activation connection. This not only means at home,or by clicking an app on a phone or a tablet. but also when you are away from home onAside from the cool factor, smart devices are vacation or visiting friends and family. Anothervery practical and are especially useful for key feature is the ability to change font size,someone with MS. For example, the ability to background color, word spacing, and otherto turn on the lights before entering a house aspects of display to make reading easier. or a room can make you feel much safer. If There are several ways to get digitalmobility is an issue, being able to control entertainment. Barnes and Noble, Amazonthermostats and other everyday devices, (Kindle), and iBooks (Apple) are common appswithout having to move, can make things more that are used. However, these suppliers usuallymanageable. Smart home technology is a great charge to rent or buy the material. A localway to customize a home to make living with library, on the other hand, allows borrowinganyone with MS safer and more comfortable. of the same material. The policy to borrowThe simplest way to enter a smart home material is typically similar to the library's hardmarket is to buy a smart home starter kit. For copy borrowing policies. Adobe OverDrive is$100$300 you can get a kit. Buying a kit is the app that almost all libraries use to obtaincheaper than buying devicesseparately and digital material. Most libraries oer training oneliminates compatibility issues. For a list of how to use OverDrive. Setting up an accountkit options, go to www.makeuseof.com and with Adobe is free and the process is straight-search for smart home starter kits. Some kits forward. In addition, while reading connectedrequire more tech savviness than others. If to the internet, you can look up words withyou are not tech savvy,make sure the kit you just a click on the word. The internet connectionchoose has a simple step-by-step set-up and is is not necessary to use the material, becauseuser friendly. Be sure to check what additional it is temporarily downloaded to the deviceproducts are available. The kit should be being used. It is returned automatically orscalable and have a lot of additional compatible you can return it early if you are done sooner.products available.If you can't get to your local library, you canThats entertainment bring the library to you by accessinga largeGetting digital entertainment such as eBooks, collection of digital material available thataudiobooks and videos is relatively simple. includes audio books, videos and magazines.All you need is an internet connection and a Today's devices are very sophisticated, butmobile device such as a phone or a tablet. they are also designed with features that makeNow that digital delivery is so common, many them accessible for users with special needs.sites have a large selection from which to It is well worth the time to explore these features.choose, including recently published material. You will be pleasantly surprised.45 msfocusmagazine.org"