b'University of Cambridge, Royal Victorian Eye and disability progression and new MRI activity).Ear Hospital, and the University of Melbourne Hopefully, the future will give us a fourth goalsaid the ndings contribute to understanding ofneuralrepairandreversalofdisability.how ageing aects remyelination. Once this is This is not only a goal in MS management,better understood then additional interventions but is also the goal for many other conditions,can be considered.including spinal cord injury, traumatic brainThesefindingsshowthatfastingor injury, stroke, dementias and others. We aremetformin can aect the loss of OPCs and seeing human studies in neural repair in MSpotentially reverse these losses. Tests using includingtherecentantilingotrials,trialsmetformin were done in a culture and showed with mesenchymal stem cells, and a pendingfunctionalrejuvenationofOPCstherefore trial of elezanumab. the authors put forth that it is plausible to The starting point for these human studieshave a similar eect in a human subject. isanimalstudies.NeuralrepairstrategiesThis study was published in Cell Stem Cell that utilize an already approved therapy likejournal. metformin are especially interesting. TheDr. Thrower:ThemanagementofMScan advantage of a known molecule like metformincurrently be summarized into three goals: isthatwedontneedhumansafetytrialstreat relapses, manage symptoms, and stop given the drugs long history of use. Hope-disease progression (as measured by relapses, fully, human trials will follow.Order Your Copy ofRISE UP AGAINST MSYour Euide to the SIMPLE FUNDRAISER EVENT that anyone and everyone can do.SiEn up for a fun balloon challenEe that also helps people withmultiple sclerosis. The lonEer your balloon stays up in the air,the more funds Eo to people with MS. The proceeds Eo to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundations free proErams and services to help people live at their best with MS.Call Rob Beasley at 800-225-649555 msfocusmagazine.org'