b' Use a tness tracker. Most people with MS are not aware how much or how little they move.A tness tracker can provide objective data as to how many steps are taken each day, not onlygiving accurate information on how much you move, but also helping with setting goals tomove more. They can also set reminders and/or send you text messages during the day tohelp motivate you to move and/or exercise. Fitness tracking devices are readily available,either as an app on your smartphone or as a separate device. Manage temperature better. Most, if not all, people with MS are aected by temperature. Themost common scenario is worsening of physical function in situations where there is highheat or humidity. There are several simple interventions that can be done to manage thisissue. One of the simplest is to use cooling garments. MS Focus: the Multiple SclerosisFoundation is able to provide a free cooling vest that can help in the summer months, or evenwhile performing exercises. Another way to stay cool is to make sure your home and/or work-place has adequate air-conditioning. Since humidity can be as big a problem as heat,using a dehumidier can also be helpful.Hopefully, we have shown that many of these small changes can have huge eects on yourday-to-day life. Technology is ever growing, and there are many options available to help youmove more and feel better. Find whatever works best for you and create a daily routine that tsinto your life. In addition to working on your own, finding a physical or occupational therapistwith specic training in MS can help you set up exercise programs that are tailored to yourspecic needs.As we said earlier, a diagnosis of MS can lead to feelings of helplessness. We hope that withthis article, we have provided a number of small steps that can be undertaken by anyone withMS, and as a result, feel like they have more control over their disease.Tell us what you want to see in MS Focus Magazine.Email comments to: editor@msfocus.orgor write to: Editor, MS Focus6520 N. Andrews Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 3330915 msfocusmagazine.org'