b'Take PositiveSteps for YourWell-beingAlan R. SegaloExecutive DirectorIf multiple sclerosis has aected your life, change make a dierence? It absolutely can.then you are no stranger to change. Relapses, One study of pediatric MS found that eachprogression, symptoms, and treatments all additional serving of vegetables in the diet ofcause changes in your health, schedule, and a child with MS reduced their risk of relapse.finances. MS can alter your relationships, In this issue, our contributing authors oercareer, family life, and your plans for the advice on small changes you can make tofuture. With so many adjustments needed improve your well-being, as well as tips toon an ongoing basis, you may crave stability help you succeed in sticking to those changes.in your life.But lifestyle factors arent the only thing thatThe desire to keep things the way they are can improve your quality of life. is natural. We all have a comfort zone where Sometimes, just a little help is whats neededthings are familiar and predictable. So when to make a big dierence. For example, in thisyouthinkaboutchangingyourdiet,your issue youll nd the application for our Coolinglevel of exercise, or other routine aspects of Program (see page 25). Using a cooling vest oryour life, your instinct may be to keep the cooling accessories can have a substantialstatus quo.eect on your ability to function if you areAs understandable as that is, there are almost heat sensitive. This one small change can givealways some new habits that could improve you back your freedom in the warm months. your health and well-being. After all, everyonecan benet from a healthy diet, regular exercise, Several of our programs are designed togood nutrition, and restful sleep. No one is help in small but signicant ways. Whether itsmanaging all those areas perfectly. So how do as simple as a ride to a doctors appointment,you reap those benets while still maintaining help paying for continence supplies, or a booka sense of stability and control in your life?from our Lending Library, these grants andThe answer is slow, incremental change. programs just may end up improving your life.Start small. Take your time.Learn more about our programs on page 50.For example, if you want to improve your Why not commit to taking just one positivediet, dont feel that you have to go from eating step for your health and well-being? Oncepizza and burgers to eating salads and, well, that change becomes part of your comfortmore salads. Pick one improvement. Perhaps zone, then you can choose another to try.you might start by making a point to eat Over time, those small changes will add upvegetables with every meal. Can such a small to big dierences.msfocusmagazine.org 8'