b'The MS Focus Cooling Program oersa variety of free itemsincluding bandanas,neckties, hats, wristbands, and two typesof cooling veststo help you gain relieffrom heat-induced symptoms and maintainyouractivelifestyle. Applicationsareaccepted from Feb. 1 to June 1. See theapplication on page 25 or apply online atwww.msfocus.orgPreorder Your NMSEAM 2020 KitsIm Visible is the theme for the upcomingNationalMultiple Sclerosis Education and AwarenessMonth (NMSEAM) in March 2020. This yearstheme encourages the MS community and the general public to stand up and be seento berecognized for who they are and what they want, and to visibly show their support for the MScauseto celebrate those individuals and organizations that have brought MS into the public eye.Awareness kits are available and contain information to help people with MS, as well asinformation that can be handed out to others in thecommunity. To preorder copies of the kit,call our support line at 888-673-6287 or order on www.msfocus.org and we will be sure to sendit to you.MS Focus at Sea to set sail in 2020Our 2020 cruise is headed to Alaska! This seven-nightcruise features three exciting ports of call and endlessopportunities for fun, education, and inspiration. Whiledaily activities focus on wellness, the cruise will also boostcamaraderie, support, and help you get outside of yourcomfort zone.We will spend seven days exploring the most beautifulplaces in Alaska, including the Alaskan Dawes Glacier, allon board Celebrity Cruise Lines Celebrity Solstice. The cruise boards from Seattle on May 29,2020, and will sail to Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway, Alaska.Along the way, well have educational and motivational programming that will help you takehome something better than souvenirsnew strategies for living better with MS. For moreinformation, contact MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation at 800-225-6495 or emailcruise@msfocus.org. To make a reservation, contact Elda at 305-666-1010, and reference groupnumber 7027854.43 msfocusmagazine.org'