b'Medicine & ResearchDDiiaapphhrraaggmmPPaacceemmaakkeerrssI mpprroovveetthheeImQQuuaalliittyyooffLLiiffeeffoorrPeeoopplleeWWiitthhMMSSPByChris BenedictAccording to recent research, approximately ventilators or implanted devices such asone million people in the United States and diaphragm pacemakers. While many physicians,2.3 million worldwide have multiple sclerosis. respiratory therapists and other healthcareFor many living with MS, respiratory problems professionals are familiar with mechanicalexist. This stems from the progression of ventilators, they are less knowledgeabledemyelinating plaques attacking specic areas regarding diaphragm pacemakers and theof the brain associated with breathing. Those advantages they offer over mechanicalliving with MS may experience a weakness ventilators for properly selected patients. Forin respiratory muscles, abnormal control of individuals with MS, their families andbreathing and/or sleep-related breathing medical teams, gaining a full understandingdisorders. Diaphragm paralysis, where there is of diaphragm pacemakers can well be thea loss of control of one or both hemi-diaphragms, first step toward achieving a significantlycanalsostemfromautoimmune diseases improved quality of life.such as MS. Multiple reports published in D ragm paralysisDiiaapphhragm paralysisleading peer-reviewed medical journals, such People with MS having breathing dicultiesas Neurology and The Journal of Neurology, because of paralysis of the diaphragm, theNeurosurgery, and Psychiatry have shown large muscle located below the lungs andrespiratory complications to be one of the heart, may be experiencing reduced breathingcommon causes of death in people with MS.capabilities or the inability to control theirAddressing the problem early on is voluntary breathing. These diculties can betherefore critical. Treatment methods, which revealed when an individual is lying flat,depend on a patients symptoms and stage walking, or immersed in water. Difficultyof their MS progression, range from chest sleeping, fatigue, and even reoccurringtherapiesandtheuseofcough-assisting pneumonia are other common symptoms.devices to respiratory muscle training, and There also may be diculty maintaining anthe use of external devices like mechanical adequate gas exchange because the lungsmsfocusmagazine.org 28'