b'Symptom ManaEementMMaannaaggiinnggDDrruuggDDeeppeennddeennccyyBy Cherie C Binns, RN MSCN Some of the medications we are prescribedto manage MS symptoms have the potentialto become needed by our bodies over time,causing withdrawal symptoms when themedications are stopped. This is referred toas drug dependency, or addiction. Avoiding DependencyWhich medications? We all know that pain Many of us look at a new prescription as amedication has the potential to become long-term commitment. This is good if we areaddictive. What many of us dont know is that taking something to manage a chronic illnessopioid pain medications are not generally such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or MS.appropriate to manage MS pain. This class of However, with MS symptoms, most can bemedication is best used for surgical and acute managed withlifestylechangesovertimeinjury pain. Did you know that medications and may not need a medication to maintainused to manage neuropathic pain can also be for longer than a few weeks. Many of us fail toaddictive? Gabapentin (Neurontin) is one of ask, when getting a medication for symptomthose that is often hard to get o when it is no management, what the side effects andlonger needed. long-termramicationsareoftakingthatBenzodiazepines, such as Klonapin for medication. We should do so with each newrestless leg syndrome, or Ativan to help you drug prescribed.sleep, are highly addictive and are now beingseriously looked at as a potential problem, Lets take pain as an example of a symptomboth for those of us taking these and for those needing management. When pain is acutewho prescribe them to us.This class of drug, (sudden onset) and severe, it can interferewhen taken for months or years, is likely to with day-to-day functioning. It may keep acause withdrawal symptoms that may be person from doing their job or getting restfuldicult to manage. sleep. It can certainly lead to a shift in moodHow do we protect ourselves from developing and a sense of well-being. Medication may bea drug dependency? If we have become needed to manage that pain, but once it isdependent, how do we safely get off a managed (not necessarily gone), it is importantmedication? Clearly none of us intended for to have a plan to control it moving forward.this to happen and, to the credit of our doctors, For some types of pain, physical therapy withnone of them intended for drug dependency othermodalities,suchasultrasoundandto develop either. stretching or strengthening exercises canmsfocusmagazine.org 36'